Wholesome Health for You
Wholesome Health for You is my take on holistic health and traditional living. Where you'll learn about my journey of being a young homesteader as well as holistic nutrition, herbalism, gardening, farming, and much more. I hope to bring light and positivity to anyone that's listening consistently, or just stopping by.
Podcasting since 2022 • 37 episodes
Wholesome Health for You
Latest Episodes
Episode #36: A New Start for WHFY
I'm back!!! In this episode I give an explanation of why I was MIA for such a long time and neglected the podcast. I talk about the new things that will come and my plans for the future.
Season 2
Episode 18

Episode #35: Anxiety and How Herbs Can Help
This is the 35th episode of The Wholesome Health for You Podcast!Anxiety is super common amongst all people, and this doesn't exclude teens! Thankfully there are natural options to help and healing the gut is a crucial step.
Season 2
Episode 17

Episode #34: Clearing Your Space and Implementing Self-Care
This is the 34th episode of The Wholesome Health for You Podcast!In this episode we discuss the importance of clearing your space by doing simple things like doing your bed and putting away your laundry and how that can affect the funct...
Season 2
Episode 16

Episode #33: Introducing the GAPS Youth Movement!
This is the 33rd episode of the Wholesome Health for You Podcast!In this week's episode I introduced the GAPS Youth Movement (GYM). I answer some commonly asked questions, explain the goals of the GYM, and introduce myself to anyone tha...
Season 2
Episode 15

Episode #32: Foraging for Herbs in the Spring
This is the 32nd episode of the Wholesome Health for You Podcast!In this episode I talked about herbs that you can forage for in the wild. I share how to identify them, what they can be used for, and their healing properties. Hopefully,...
Season 2
Episode 14