Wholesome Health for You
Wholesome Health for You is my take on holistic health and traditional living. Where you'll learn about my journey of being a young homesteader as well as holistic nutrition, herbalism, gardening, farming, and much more. I hope to bring light and positivity to anyone that's listening consistently, or just stopping by.
Wholesome Health for You
Episode #31: Manifesting in April 2023 and Astrology
Season 2
Episode 13
This is the 31st episode of The Wholeosme Health for You Podcast!
In this episode i talk about my thoughts on astrology and then we do a deep dive into all the fun things that will be happening in the month of April. Things like emotions you may feel and what next steps to take.
I hope you all enjoy this topic!
GAPS Youth Movement (GYM)
Astrology Book